Wholehearted Wellness Counselling 8661 201 St. Langley, BC (2nd Floor)
This is a multi-purpose office building. **Please park in front of the building with signs marking Customer Parking**. You will enter by the main doors, at the front of the building, between Smilestone Junior Kindergarden and PGL Environmental Consultants.
You will be greeted by reception (between the hours of 9am and 5pm), however *you do not have to check in* with them. Please make yourself comfortable in the chairs to the left, or benches to the right of the elevator. **Ashleigh will come get you at your appointment time.**
If your appointment is before 9am or after 5, there is a directory that you can search up Ashleigh's name. The doors will unlock and you can take the elevator to the second floor! If the elevator does not respond during before/after hours, Ashleigh will be down to meet you in the ground floor lobby just before your appointment time. We apologize if you experience any inconvenience.